Why should I use Lottie?

It's 600% smaller and 10x faster to ship Lottie is tiny when compared to GIF and PNG sequences,and it does not pixelate.Our open source Web Player lets you copy code and embed Lottie across your website, WordPress, Webflow, Shopify, etc.

It' s resolution independent, scalable and interactive Lottie is text and vector - based, so no matter how big you scale it, it'll never pixelate on any device.You can use the Lottie Interactivity Library to make your animations come alive. It can be played anywhere for all developers out there, Lottie handoffs are super easy. Be it web, iOS or Android, Lottie Libraries have got you covered. It adds delight to your designs Motion evokes emotion. It humanizes your app or website, adds empathetic experiences that entertain and engage. Lottie is the easiest way to bring motion to your apps and platforms.

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