As of 1 June 2023, Lottie Creator does not yet support all of Lottie features. For more information, please refer to the list below. To ensure your animations work as expected, it is recommended to preview them in the Player in Lottie Creator.
Shapes | Lottie Creator |
Shape | 👍 |
Ellipse | 👍 |
Rectangle | 👍 |
Rounded Rectangle | 👍 |
Polystar | 👍 |
Group | 👍 |
Repeater | ⛔️ |
Trim Path (individually) | 👍 |
Trim Path (simultaneously) | 👍 |
Fills | Lottie Creator |
Color | 👍 |
Opacity | 👍 |
Fill Rule | ⛔️ |
Radial Gradient | 👍 |
Linear Gradient | 👍 |
Strokes | Lottie Creator |
Color | 👍 |
Opacity | 👍 |
Width | 👍 |
Line Cap | ⛔️ |
Line Join | ⛔️ |
Miter Limit | ⛔️ |
Dashes | ⛔️ |
Gradient | ⛔️ |
Transforms | Lottie Creator |
Position | 👍 |
Position (separated X/Y) | 👍 |
Scale | 👍 |
Rotation | 👍 |
Anchor Point | 👍 |
Opacity | 👍 |
Parenting | 👍 |
Auto Orient | ⛔️ |
Skew | ⛔️ |
Interpolation | Lottie Creator |
Linear Interpolation | 👍 |
Bezier Interpolation | ⛔️ |
Hold Interpolation | ⛔️ |
Spatial Bezier Interpolation | ⛔️ |
Rove Across Time | ⛔️ |
Masks | Lottie Creator |
Mask Path | 👍 |
Mask Opacity | 👍 |
Add | 👍 |
Subtract | 👍 |
Intersect | ⛔️ |
Lighten | ⛔️ |
Darken | ⛔️ |
Difference | ⛔️ |
Expansion | ⛔️ |
Feather | ⛔️ |
Mattes | Lottie Creator |
Alpha Matte | 👍 |
Alpha Inverted Matte | 👍 |
Luma Matte | ⛔️ |
Luma Inverted Matte | ⛔️ |
Merge Paths | Lottie Creator |
Merge | ⛔️ |
Add | ⛔️ |
Subtract | ⛔️ |
Intersect | ⛔️ |
Exclude Intersection | ⛔️ |
Layer Effects | Lottie Creator |
Fill | ⛔️ |
Stroke | ⛔️ |
Tint | ⛔️ |
Tritone | ⛔️ |
Levels Individual Controls | ⛔️ |
Text | Lottie Creator |
Glyphs | ⛔️ |
Fonts | ⛔️ |
Transform | ⛔️ |
Fill | ⛔️ |
Stroke | ⛔️ |
Tracking | ⛔️ |
Anchor point grouping | ⛔️ |
Text Path | ⛔️ |
Per-character 3D | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Units) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Based on) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Amount) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Shape) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Ease High) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Ease Low) | ⛔️ |
Range selector (Randomize order) | ⛔️ |
Expression selector | ⛔️ |
Other | Lottie Creator |
Expressions | ⛔️ |
Images | ⛔️ |
Precomps | 👍 |
Time Stretch | ⛔️ |
Time remap | ⛔️ |
Markers | 👍 |
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